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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Link - The Media's Rebuke of Santorum (and reality)

Link – The Media’s Rebuke of Santorum

(and reality)

          Probably the most important reality we can acknowledge is that God exists.  Another reality that has a great impact on our world is that the devil also exists.  Whereas it is acceptable among the media elite to acknowledge God (as long as you don’t pay too much attention to Him), belief in the devil is something that deserves nothing more than mockery.  And yet, as the media are reporting, Rick Santorum, in a speech at Ave Maria University years ago, acknowledged the reality that the devil’s influence is increasingly being felt in many of our institutions.  To the media this makes him fair game for mockery and scorn, but to those of us with a firmer grip on reality it makes him uniquely qualified to be President of the United States.  Iran, Al Qaeda and the Taliban may be our enemies, but we have a far greater enemy and unless we recognize that, we have no chance of victory. 

          In the spiritual life we know this, and it is no less true for our country, which has a spiritual life of its own.  Ronald Reagan wasn’t afraid to accept it and the Iron Curtain fell as a result (with no small help from Pope John Paul II, and others). 

          At the link below, Harold Fickett provides an interesting perspective of Senator Santorum’s speech and the grasp on reality it displays, as well as the media’s sad reaction.