Return of the Prodigal Son by Pompeo Batoni - 1773

Evolution for the Catholic Student

Order 'Evolution for the Catholic Student' - Click on the image above

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Why I am Leaving California

Why I am Leaving California

(one reason)


          I have written extensively against the evil law, SB 1172, passed in California last year that denies children access to reparative therapy for treatment of unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity disorder.  The wickedness has spread, most recently being signed into law by New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

          Last week on Catholic Answers, when the show was hosting Fr. Paul Check, the president of Courage, an apostolate that reaches out to people with same-sex attraction, there was a call from a wonderful mother whose young son, whom at times has expressed a possible vocation to the priesthood, told her he thought he might be homosexual.  This was clearly an unwanted struggle for the child.

          Fr. Check, an expert on this sort of thing, gave wonderful advice.  Among other things, he that as the young man was just entering adolescence, his comfort with masculinity and sexuality was still developing and very fluid.

          It got me thinking, though.  If this young man (for whom I ask all to pray) lived in California and found these unwanted feelings deepening, he would have no recourse to professionals that could help him understand, deal with, or even overcome them.  I suspect that if his family wanted to professionally treat his thoughts of a religious vocation, on the other hand, they would get no pushback from the state.

          This post is not about homosexuality or same-sex attraction; it is about freedom, parental rights, and the needs of our children.  Catholics with children, like me, who live in California, find ourselves in a very dangerous situation.  We do not have the right to get our children the help they may desperately want and need for one of adolescence’s most challenging phases.

          I am praying that the courts restore reason and justice on this issue, but if they don’t, I intend to raise my sons somewhere else.  It is a choice more and more parents must prayerfully consider.